Friday, December 10, 2010

Ingrown Hair Or Herpes

Thank you all!

Imagine my surprise when I learned that our family blog was "spent" on television! I did not see it live but on the site of France 5, which rebroadcasts the program. The number of visits has skyrocketed and then I wanted to thank you all (thank you to the team Kindergarten) for your interest in our history.
It is very important for me to share the ups and downs of everyday life without cheating because, in addition to free myself, I can offer answers to some questions from parents in our situation and most importantly, to learn a lot also them.
Then again, a big THANK YOU to and we wish you all a very happy holiday season!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

How Long Did Everyday Mineral Sample Kit Last You

Blog in Blog Train Holidays

Here! I'm away for a few weeks!
I want to thank everyone who supported me during this past year. Thanks to the girls
forum COA!
Thanks to Nate and Cecile! And
thank you to all who leave small coms!

that, I wish you all a merry Christmas and New Year
and I tell you next year!


It's time! I go away For Some weeks! I am anxious
to thank all the Persons Who Supported Düring me this last year. Thanks to
Girl Of The COA forum!
Thanks to Nate and to Cecilia!
And thanks to all the Persons Who leave coms!

So, I wish you a mery Christmas and Happy New Year.
And see you In the next year! Best regards