Friday, February 11, 2011

Whats Does 3cdd And 3mos Mean

Dress of the day 11/02/2011

hello my friends
how are you today?

I'm finally at the weekend so let's say that everything is fine!
the past week is again at a rate of egg
depressed but I thinking that the weekend will go even faster!

we will not complain eh! it is that Friday night!
I take a brief respite to post my outfit that day

euhhh kept very ... Blue
I was full of criticism but also full of compliments!

I dared electric blue tights

I was watched through
I heard people whisper when she saw me go
but fuck me this I like!
then if I like it I do with!
is what it gave
good I've only taken one photo only
because I'm just being home early from work but I went home right after my friend Jacqueline shopping!
then ultimately I came home later!
okay I have new clothes all brand new beautiful!

So what do you think of this famous sticky blue farts?

I will not top the hair cell with
level color is hot to find exactly the same
because it really farting

these tights come home Yours
(small gift at the conference organized by my big size)

I did find this top made in Jacqueline (as usual) in my drawer
it is blue but not flashy enough to compete with the sticky!

top: Jacqueline Riu
skirt Jacqueline Riu
tights: Yours
necklace cameo

good that you say?
it is imperative that I make some sort in my closet
because I have lots of dresses (y'en even with tags!) That fit me more!

my day will stop the
I'm super mega ultra KO
so good evening to all


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